Worldwide Copyrights Reserved © - Grandad's Corner


Grandad's Corner is designed to provide you with a

variety of family-friendly publications. We strive to

list only those items that we would use ourselves.


Please come back again. We're always adding new items..


At Grandad's Corner
, we're all about making our users aware of family-friendly publications and products that are available in a world that makes it difficult, indeed, to find such items.

We believe that all people have a right to choose, follow, and participate in whatever activities they feel are right for them. We also believe that this right should apply equally to those, like us, who wish to avoid particular products and activities that seem to be aimed at destroying the principles laid out for us by our Creator.

The folks at Grandad's Corner are not looking to convert anyone to our way of thinking. We don't care who your god is, or even if you don't believe in one.  Our website is for everyone who wants to use it.

Yes, our offers and listings are intended to be family-friendly. We do not use bad language, display improper graphics, or tolerate any mean and/or disruptive verbal attacks. As our base, no content presented will include sexual content, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, reference to the use of illegal drugs, or items deemed evil and/or inappropriate for children.

Please enjoy what we do offer, in the spirit in which it is intended. If you know of anything that we should consider adding to our listings, please use our CONTACT US button above to let us know about it. We'll be happy to investigate it, and include it, if it is deemed appropriate per our basic policies

"C'mon in!"

Freedom in Forgiveness -


Thanks!  From Grandad!